Tuesday 25 January 2011



  I heard Robert getting up for work and thought I'd wait until he was finished before I made a move.  Next thing I knew it was 10.30am!  I thought I'd have some coffee and toast but couldn't find the matches to light the toaster and instead settled for tea and a cheese and onion sandwich.  It was even hotter today with the sun beating down incessantly all day.  About midday I took Reilly for a walk.  I had a pair of shorts I borrowed from Rob and didn't spot the pocket that was low down.  I had two keys to the front door, but when I went out yesterday I only needed one to get back in.  I checked which one it was and then went round the back and got Reilly.  We set off for another warm walk in the park.

And warm work it was when you chased another animal over several hundred yards!  It looked like a minature deer to me about 2 ft tall - and it fairly shifted!  However Reilly was hot on its tail.  Not wanting to witness a slaughter in the park I yelled for Reilly to heel, and eventually he heeded my commands and gave up the chase, and the mystery animal made good its escape.  We then had some kids cycling in our direction.  Reilly charged at them barking ferociously!  I nearly went hoase yelling at him but eventually he did a 180 degree turn and came charging back towards me.

  I got home but the front door wouldn't open - the lower knob refused to budge and the door remained steadfastly closed!  Yesterday the knob had turned with no problem at all - it had a key but I'd left it indoors.
I was debating what I would do for the next six hours with no money on me, no mobile phone, no computer and not even a book to read.  I was able to get round to the back garden and noticed that my bedroom window was open, albeit there was a mossie screen in place.  However I managed to remove it, and then with some difficulty climbed inside.  Situation rescued!
  The afternoon was more profitably spent compiling 25 of 1961's UK hits and cracking on with David Baldacci's Hell's Corner.  Jeannette's daughter and her boyfriend Pat brought round the microwave, which they put in the kitchen.  This enabled me to notice that the kitchen had been invaded by thousands of ants swarming over the walls and work top.  I managed to eliminate them and seemingly restore the kitchen to its former pristine condition.

  I spoke to Nick who had earlier in the day appeared on local talkback radio, posing a question about Jingles asking how to ensure that he used the litter tray.  The answer is apparently coming in the post from the pet expert.  He had heard the program in the car and phoned in on Jane's mobile.  I have arranged to take him to see Yogi Bear tomorrow which is Australia Day and the temperature threatens to be in the mid '40s.  An excellent South American meal washed down with wine was followed by a quick walk with Reilly, Rob and Jeannette in the park.

  We sat in the summerhouse after dinner and knocked back a few beers and after Rob and Jeannette had checked out the internet, I carried on with looking up info on 1961 hits.  Reilly climbed all over me and seemingly our combined weight proved to be too much for the chair.  Two down two to go!

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