Friday 4 February 2011



  It was a pretty industrious morning: after a cup of tea and a cheese sandwich I took Reilly for his morning walk and then knuckled down to doing record work for several hours.  Pav arrived  in the early afternnoon and had a couple of beers with us.  Trade has been a bit slow in the plumbing business since Christmas and Pav reckons he has only been working half days most of this week.  Robert reckons that it is due to his lethargy and sheer downright laziness in chasing up work.  Rob set about with a vengeance repairing the damaged lock on his car.  After Pav inserted the final screw to fix the damage inflicted by his wife Les on Robert's driver's door, it was universally decided to adjourn to the Carousel pub down the road.  We sat outside in the beer garden as both Rob and Pav wanted a smoke and I didn't mind the heat.  Dougie then arrived, the pub is close to his round of sales calls, and he joined us in the garden.  There was then mention made of the the waitress in lingerie in the sports bar, so we decided to try our luck there.  I caught sight of her at the bar over Robert's shoulder.  She appeared to be a blonde.

She eventually headed our way and Pav explained that Robert was English and his ancient father was with him and it would be greatly appreciated if she would pose for a picture with the group.  As I was holding the camera this meant that the group consisted of Robert, Dougie and Pav.  I only just managed to keep the camera steady and that was only because her panties were not fully in sight!

  We left shortly afterwards only to be accosted by a man in the car park asking if anybody had ticket no 86 in the raffle.  Pav pulled out the winning number and went home with a dozen prime T-bone steaks!  We returned home in time for dinner which as always was excellent and then we took Reilly for his evening walk.  I continued with record work in the summerhouse accompanied by a few more bottles of beer and the loving company of Reilly who has now been forgiven his misdemenours.  I sent an e-mail to Angela with a copy to Bridie suggesting that if they come to Australia, they might like to carry on and accompany me to New Zealand and see Scott in Christchurch - now there's a thought!

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