Wednesday 26 January 2011

YOGI BEAR (And Australia Day)


  I was awake at 7.00am and up half an hour later to down a cup of coffee and a cheese sandwich.  Rob then drove me over to Carlingford, and played Mario Bros tennis with Nicholas.
  I also indulged in a two set match but lost 2-0!  Eventually we went off to the Macquarie Shopping Centre, where Jane went shopping and I took Nick to see Yogi Bear.  Armed with a Yogi Bear popcorn pack we watched the film which both Nick and I enjoyed.  Nick had a good look around the Meyers toy department on the way out and inspected various items in some detail.
Jane then dropped me off at Epping Station, by which time it was definitely getting very hot.  I caught a train to Strathfield and changed on to a train bound for Emu Plains.  I rang Rob when I reached Seven Hills and he was waiting for me at Mount Druitt.  We stopped at a number of bottle shops but my man refused to make a purchase as he reckoned they had raised the prices due to it being Australia Day.  Finally the Woolworth Bottle Shop in Plumpton offered beer at acceptable price and we purchased a pack of Cold. 
Robert then set about the BBQ and cooked jacket potatoes and skewers of kebabs.
  By now the temperature must have reached around 40 degrees, and I suggested we take Reilly for a walk.  I made the mistake of walking in front of Robert when we got to the park - I didn't want to stop because if I did I thought I might not get started again.  I heard Robert snapping off a branch of dead wood behind me, obviously to throw for Reilly.  The next thing I knew I heard a thump and simultaneously felt a severe blow on the back of my head which had me staggering forward clutching my head.  A slightly concerned Robert turned up shortly afterwards.  He examined my head and declared that there was only a scratch, and expressed relief that there was no flood of blood emmanating from my bonce.  He then saw the funny side of it and chuckled - I didn't.  I merely thought that his aim must have been affected by an excess of beer!
Reilly was noticeably subdued and on the way home sat down and waited for us to catch him up.  Upon returning home he showed no interest in his dinner, just lying there panting.  In the end he was allowed into the house to cool down with the aircon reducing the temperature considerably indoors.  Rob and I watched the 4th one dayer which England won making it 3-1 in the the 7 match series.  I'm pleased to announce that after he had cooled down Reilly duly partook of his meal of chicken necks and dog biscuits.

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