Sunday 25 September 2011



  It was apparently the 85th anniversary of the creation of "Plac Wilsona" or Wilson Place in Zoliborz, so named after President Woodrow Wilson who was president of the USA up until 1924.  Peter and I along with Truffles strolled down to see what was happening.  We walked around the various stalls on the pavement and observed the world from the external seating at Blikle's whilst indulging in a coffee and doughnuts.  There was a lorry driving around with a load of dolly birds, and a chap named to Thomas Wilson who spoke Polish with an American accent and encouraged people to come and take part in the festivities and ended each round of speeches with "I love you all".
 Peter then got a call from Agnieszka and went off to meet her in town whilst Truffs and I caught the Metro back to Marymont.  I did a bit of work on Charly stuff, and spoke to Robert on Skype.  Peter returned about 1.45pm just before Mr Bydon was due round.  He is a historian who has produced an exhibition of photographic plates about my father (he brought round A3 photocopies) for the Army, and is also engaged in working on my my mother's memoirs for the Museum that is going to publish them next year.  He hopes they will be out by next summer.  He eventually departed and Peter got ready for the neighbours he had invited round for a drink.  It was in fact the notary whom we had visited in town yesterday, a Mr Marmaj - a name that sounds so much like Marmite that I christened him Mr Bovril.
  Peter had phoned him up and asked if he and his wife would like to come round for a glass of wine at 6.30pm, to which he replied, "why only a glass?"  Peter had no answer to this, and the wily lawyer further outmanouevered him by saying, "Well, we'll come round at 6.00pm then".  Peter got some Polish sausage meat in, and cut up a few tomatoes as well as getting a cherry pie in from Blikle's.  Mr Marmaj has a very dry sense of humour and a not unattractive younger wife.  She came round with a delicious home baked cake, and he brought road a bottle of Croatian herb flavoured drink.  The talk reovlved around the forthcoming elections, Croatia - where the Marmajs have purchased a plot of land for a holiday home, and world travel - they had been to South America, and numerous countries in Europe.  Peter had said, "Let's try and get rid off them by 8.00pm".  No such chance, three empty bottles of wine later - Mrs Marmaj only had one glass as she was on antibiotics, they eventually left about 10.30pm.  However it was nothing if not an entertaining evening, and her cake certainly went down a treat!

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