Well the weather forecast got it completely wrong! The Skies clouded over and the temperatures plummeted down to about 18. So much for the prediction of 30 degrees for the rest of the week! Clothed in an assortment of T-shirts, shirt and jacket along with long trousers and socks I managed to just about survive working outside.
I took Reilly for a walk and just when I had reached the furthest point from home it started to rain. Just about sums up my day. I set off before 4pm for Epping. I had a wait of 20 minutes for a bus, and that drew in to the bus station just as the train pulled into the train station across the road. The chances of me getting up and over the footbridge to the station and buying a ticket before the train departed were none existant, so I didn't even attempt it. I had a 25 minute wait for the next train. Upon arriving at Strathfield I checked on the next train to Epping which was due out on platform 6 in three minutes. I hurried to the relevant platform but there was no sign of an Epping train on the departure board there. I went down below into the station. It was still showing the Epping train as leaving, even though the time had gone. I spotted a billboard lower down stating that buses were replacing the Northern Line until 19th November. I now had 15 minutes until my rendezvous with Rovbert outside the RSL Club. I had no phone with me and no idea of his number. A quick survey of all the depature boards showed an express train for Gosford which stopped at Epping leaving in 11 minutes. So with 2 minutes to go to the rendezvous I boarded the express. Naturally I was late (about 12 minutes) and of Robert there was no sign. It was of course raining by now. I stood outside the RSL pondering on what to do next. Walk along to Doug's house and get wet, and hope that Jane came straight home from the game. Catch a train back to Mt Druitt, or stay where I was partially sheltered from the rain. I was still considering these options when I heard a loud honking horn - it seemed to come from my left. I looked in that direction and saw a car coming out of a side road with another trying to pull into it from the main road. However it then struck me that neither of these two chaps were responsible for the honking. I turned around and there behind me was Robert blazing away like mad! I dashed over to the car to be assailed by a torrent of abuse. Couldn't I hear the horn, why was I late, etc, etc. Once he had vented his spleen, we carried on amicably to the indoor centre, where we arrived during the first half of Nick's match. The score was 1-1, and so it remained until half time. The opposition were to my mind far better at passing the ball and had one player who was about double the size of all the others. In a sudden spurt they scored 4 goals in a matter of minutes with several unstoppable shots into the top corners of the goal. It looked all over, but suddenly Nick broke through from midfield and cracked in two splendid long range shots. A run down the wing saw his centre converted into another goal, and an error by their keeper saw the scores levelled with just a couple of minutes to go. Sadly that was long enough for the opposition to come back with a very late winner, but all told it was a good display, with Nick (#4) winning the Man of the Match award.
After we had told Nick how well he played, we set off for Oakhurst. Jeannette told us she may be going to Melbourne next week to train up the Customer Services in Bev-Chain in Victoria as they are not coping with the new system very well. However she won't know until tomorrow. Anyway it seems to augur well for her contract renewal if they think that highly of her. Thought of having an early night but watched a Sherlock Holmes film on my Arcos when I got to bed, so it was well past midnight before I called it a night.
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